I have a wonderful friend on Facebook that mentioned a while back that she needed to make some more hand soap for the family using lemon essential oils. I was instantly intrigued and questioned her on how she planned on doing that and if she would share her recipe. Well, lo and behold, she shared with me and I have already made it and I have got to tell ya….this stuff is so super easy and it works really well!
The most important part about this entire process that that you make absolutely sure that you (or any of your family members) are not allergic to the essential oil you are going to use. This will be in a small quantity but even so, PLEASE know about the oils before you use them!
I have learned a bunch from reading The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health Beauty a Safe Home Environment
. This book is an amazing fount of information, she leaves nothing out!
Okay, so this process took me less than five minutes to put together and seriously, this is a brilliant idea! I know everything going into the hand soap, and I am tickled that it turned out as well as it did. The smell is wonderful, not over powering in the least bit and this leaves the smelly options wide open for future batches!
The first bottle I made, I used Pomegranate essential oil. The kids loved it so much that when their current bottle of bathroom hand soap ran out, they requested I make the same of them. I have since moved on and have made a Lemon essential oil hand soap for the master bathroom…holy moley y’all, this is my new favorite!
So, check out the easy and much-better-for-you-than-store-bought hand soap recipe I have for you…remember, research and learn before you make and use this product. Safety First, because I care about y’all!
Supplies Needed:
- foaming hand soap bottle
- Castile soap
- essential oil (I used lemon for the pictures)
- water
- almond oil (or other carrier oil)
Fill your foaming hand soap container 2/3 of the way with water. Add in 2 tablespoons of Castile soap, add in 1 tablespoon of almond oil, and add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Shake to blend (as much as possible, since we all know that oil and water Do Not Mix). Commence Use.
I hope you find this to your liking, the kids, hubby and I LOVE it. As much as I hate to admit it B&BW may no longer be on my grab list during their annual clearance sale…maybe. ๐
Talk soon and let me know which combinations of essential oils you use…I always need more to add to my list!
In His Grace.
This would be fun to make and a nice gift!
It is so easy and the smells are limitless! Enjoy!
This sounds fun. I’ve never made my own soap before!
It is simply amazing stuff!
I love foaming soap, but I have never messed a lot with eo. I need to try some!