Week 4 of 52 Weeks of Thankful Thursday
The Letter D for Determined
With each Thankful Thursday I try to make the post about things I am really thankful for, ya know? Well this week I have come across the word determined and it is more of a state of mind than a type of action for me. I am a strong willed individual, for those of you that know me in real life, you can a test to that truth. I know that the word determined seems a little weeble wobbly for a thankful Thursday but here’s why it is a good one for me.
I am determined to make the best possible effort each and every day to represent Jesus to my husband, children and anyone else I might encounter during my time here. Unfortunately I know without question that I do not always present the best side of myself, so that is why I am determined to try harder, do better and maybe, by the grace of God, actually succeed. Who knows, I might be the one person that has the only opportunity to be the Jesus example someone needs to really see HIm for who He is and what He can do for them.
I am determined to be the wife that God has designed me to be. Not the wishy-washy, rundown, no voice, worn out, burnout, abused world viewed wife, but the wife that encourages my husband, that is highly valued by my husband, and that works hard for my family because I love them. I want the world to see that the truly submissive wife is a God-fearing, holy, righteous, hard working, intelligent, business minded, strong in character and strong in body, frugal and ultimately wise woman. I want my daughter to see that being obedient and non-nagging wife is the way to go. That you don’t always have to be right, that you can be a full partner in your marriage without getting railroaded and dismissed, that you can be dependent on your husband without being weak, that you can do a great deal of things and be handy, but you also know when to ask for help. I want my sons to recognize these qualities in a woman and see her as a woman that is highly prized and that she will be a wonderful partner to share their lives with. I want to be the absolute best example of this type of woman….I fail at this many days…in a row, quite often in fact…but I am still determined that this is the way to be for my husband, sons and daughter.
I am determined that school for my children will not only teach them book knowledge but that their foundation in Christ is the most important life application that they will ever need. I am determined that each moment I have been blessed to keep my children at home to teach them is a highly important job and that I will help guide them to Christ every chance I get. So many days I get so caught up in life that I am positive that my message was lost in the mayham. Then moments catch me by surprise and I hear things like, “Jesus died on the cross for us, right Mama?”….Ahhhhhh….yes. This is why I am determined to make sure these precious children know Who they belong to…if that is The Only Thing they ever learn.
I am determined to make each day count for I am not ever guaranteed tomorrow….Make It Count today, Be Determined.
In His Grace.
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