Week 7 of 52 Weeks of Thankful Thursday
The letter G for Grace
I am so very thankful for grace.
I am so very much human and full of failures that I do believe wholeheartedly that I use up more than my fair share of grace from our heavenly Father. Ugh…I mean to tell you…this mama, well suffice it to say. I fall victim to the flesh daily…numerous times…I mean A LOT.
Okay, so without causing too much mayham, I will let you in on a few things that require my daily overdosing of grace.
I’m loud. I think I might have mentioned this once or twice (or a few hundred) times before. Seriously loud. In just about every aspect of my life. I mean loud like…I holler for the kids to come upstairs. I holler at my kids for messes. I holler at my kids for spilling things. I holler at my kids to clean their rooms. I holler at the dog for barking (yes, even when he is outside…). I holler at the cats for scratching the furniture. I holler at myself for missing a step in directions. ** sigh ** I holler way too much. And for the blessed bestowing of heavenly grace…because I wonder sometimes why anyone even likes me.
I could name some more attributes that require my daily doses of grace, but ultimately it all leads back to me hollering about something.
Now, I am trying to be better. I do bite my tongue…a lot. I sometimes blow it though and perfection is my enemy and that too causes issues…and I end up hollering…again.
So GRACE is the word of the week. I will apply more grace to accidents, spills on the hardwood floor, dirty clothes thrown all over the bedroom floors, broken dishes, barking dogs, and scratching cats. And little people that should grow up with a mama that hollers a whole lot less.
In His Grace.
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