As a homeschooler it is a wonderful thing to witness your child enjoying a class or particular subject. Recently, Isaiah and I had the honor of reviewing Mother, Should I Trust the Government? An online class that is from FreedomProject Education. Their 2015 courses are an impressive lot. And Isaiah truly enjoyed the class! He has always been a big lover of history, as am I, and this was a “real” life history class.
The class was taught by Dr. Jake Jacobs and Isaiah was so impressed with every aspect of the class. From the fact that he was taking an online class like a college student to the interaction the class had with Dr. Jacobs. Each class is limited to the number of attendees, so that is another plus we liked about the course. No one, gets “lost” in a huge class.
There was a level of importance placed on each student in the class that as a 13 year old, he felt like he was in more than just a class, he felt like an adult in an “grown-up” discussion. He asked questions in class and he was always (tickled pink) pleased that Dr. Jacobs recognized him and responded to his questions. As a Christian parent, I was impressed with the Christian values placed into each class. I had no fear that anything off topic would be something of any concern for me.
With a title like, Mother, Should I Trust the Government?, my first thought was that this was a class about all of the nonsense that is going on in today’s American government. And that would have been fine with me and Isaiah. We were pleased that this was a class that went back to the roots of our American government and showed the transition into how things have gone so terribly wrong. The history class was more of a discussion class, as there was no homework other than reading the required book with the same title.
Dr. Jacobs covered as much of the book as he could in each class, which was held every Monday night from 7-9pm EST via Adobe Connect (a pretty amazing interactive online class). Each student logged into the class via the computer (any computer that has internet access) and then had the ability to ask questions, receive answers directly, as well as listen to Dr. Jacobs lecture. This interactive class also allowed the students logged in to talk to each other as well.
Isaiah missed two classes due to family travels, but he was able to watch the class the following day as a recording. The benefit of that was that he was able to watch the class, yet the interaction and discussion part was not available. He missed that part of the class yet was able to catch up on the lessons. The book was an added bonus as it was full of historic information that he and I did not even know. Lessons as a teacher?! YES! And I loved it!
This 8 week class (which ran from January 12, 2015 – March 9, 2015) is presently only offered one time a year and is free with a suggested $50 tax-deductible donation.
As a homeschool mom, a teacher, and an American, I think this is a wonderful class. We both learned so much about how the government came about, as well as some extras that just don’t get taught anymore. It is an excellent class that Isaiah is sad to see end. There were times that he didn’t want to sit for 2 hours and “do school” that late at night, but inevitability, once class was done, he was always excited at the things he learned.
Overall – this was a hit at my house.
The next classes being offered some pretty amazing too. We, okay, actually I am, looking at How to Think: A Crash Course in Critical Thinking as well as Bible As Culture (which sounds really good!!).
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Thanks for reading my latest review and I look forward to sharing what comes next!
In His Grace.
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