I have to say that if you do not have a Kindle or at least the Kindle App from Amazon, you need to seriously consider getting one.
Especially if you homeschool.
This year I am going to incorporate the use of the Kindle in our elementary Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day class from Apologia that my youngest two children are going to be using.
Why would I need to incorporate my Kindle in this endeavor?
Well, I’m glad you were thinking that because I want to share why.
With our class book, the kids notebooks, and the projects we are going to be doing I want the kids to still enjoy looking at, and reading a fun book. Each book has amazing photos of animals and just a smattering of information to keep them intrigued.
So, here is a short list of flying creature books that should do an admirable job of filling in the gaps.
I’m sure we will be through these books well before the school year is even close to being over…I hope you find some you might like to use too!
For the course that we are using, these Kindle ebooks look like they will be helpful and enjoyable for the kids to look at.
I am not looking to build an elementary science (zoology; flying creatures) curriculum, but surely this is a wonderful start if I wanted to!
There are so many more eBooks that I could add to the list, so keep checking back to see if I have added anything new.
Welcome to your new school year, may God bless you on your journey!
In His Grace.
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