Sometimes you come across a young adult book that draws you in and makes it hard to lay the story down. Britfield & The Lost Crown by C.R. Stewart is one such book and I was pleased to review this book and share it with you. Adventure, intrigue, and humor made this book a fun read and I am looking forward to more coming soon.
Britfield & The Lost Crown
About the Story
Meet Tom and Sarah. Two orphans that lived together, with many other children, at Weatherly Orphanage in Yorkshire. After a crazy mishap and a daring escape, Tom and Sarah are now on their own and heading toward the massive city of London. Along the way, they encounter police, royal butlers, a professor, and many more as they stumble toward a new city. Tom has but one small clue, the name Britfield, that is drawing him deeper into the past and a legacy in which he doesn’t know or remember.
From commandeering a hot air balloon, to traversing the grounds at Oxford University, to meeting a Bishop in Canterbury, Tom and Sarah fall into adventure at every turn!
What We Thought
This was a good story that grabs you as soon as you open the book. Tom and Sarah are likable characters that draw you into their world with such real life, young teen antics. They bicker, they joke, they remind me very much of my own children!
This adventure is virtually nonstop. They escape the orphanage barely intact. Then they steal a hot air balloon and manage not to die, landing in a remote field after a crazy night of weather. Ultimately these two kids are seriously having the biggest adventure they could have ever imagined.
And to top it all off, Tom has a name from a file that means nothing to him but he just knows that something important will come from.
Up and down you travel with the emotions of these two. High adventure will do that to you. We stumble along as Tom and Sarah cover lots of ground at Windsor Castle, the large Oxford University, and the beautiful Canterbury.
We enjoyed the details provided in this soft paperback book and thought that they characters were well thought out and relatable. We are already looking forward to the next adventure to follow-up this story.
We will be going back over this book in the future and we will use the 83-page study guide. This will allow us to dig deeper into the rich history of England and the local areas that are described in the story. There are so many details that we can expound on and make this so much more than a story! History and geography are the most prevalent aspects of this study guide but there is so much more to enjoy.
We encourage you to pick up this story and fall into this fantastic story of Britfield. More adventure awaits!
Social Media
Follow along with their social media account to learn more!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBritfield/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BritfieldWorld
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialbritfield/
Read My Fellow Crew Reviews
Final Thoughts
If you are looking for an easy read, then this is a good book for you or your young teens. The characters are easy to follow and the structure of the book is laid out well. Mostly short sentences, that makes it a fairly easy and quick read. We are looking forward to findoung out what happens next, so stay turned for more!
In His Grace,

Callie, I am grateful for your kind review of Britfield! I do indeed think that you will love Book II. The characters will age with each book and of course the action & intrigue will too! Exciting!