I fail…my beloved husband everyday.
Without question, I am a lousy wife.
On a daily basis I “drop the ball”.
I so yearn to be a Proverbs 31 Woman, ya know, like Proverbs 31:28, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.”
Yea, that kind of wife……yet I fail, a lot.
I Fail…
…my husband by not responding to his physical needs. (Yep, I said it FIRST, because it is that important. That’s for another post though.)
…my husband because I still have a hard time initiating an intimate moment.
…my husband by not keeping his home, homey. Yes, that means cleaning I hear ya!
…my husband by not hearing him when he talks.
…my husband by not loving his mother more.
…my husband by hollering at my children, way.too.much.
…my husband because I have too many “things” on my plate.
…because I do not always speak highly of him.
…my husband because I don’t always show him how much I appreciate him.
…my husband because I forget that my appearance is important to him. (Yep, showers are important, lol!)
…my husband by not serving him more.
…my husband by not asking him if there is anything I can do for him.
…my husband because I forget that he married a young, happy woman.
…my husband because I Do. Not. PRAY. For. Him. as often as I should.
But due to many prayers and the Lord speaking to my heart, I have had my eyes opened. My daily habits as a wife need much improvement. With a vast amount of Christian encouragement that I have been blessed with via the world wide web, I know without question that I can be a better wife to my husband.
Proverbs 31:11-12 says, “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and and not evil all the days of her life.”
The Bible promises me such rewards for being the best wife and mother I can be. Rewards are not just for the well behaved children, I totally like rewards too! The fact that I would be so rewarded as to be my husband’s confidante in important matters, WoW! I think that would be fantastic, not just the “just checking with you before I make a decision” moments, ya know?
The fact that I bomb on being a good wife, rubs me the wrong way. I get angry with myself and then I end up ruining EVERYTHING that I thought I was working hard on fixing. And then it hits me, I so cannot do this alone. I need the Lord, without question and without fail. Yep, that word again, fail. I am so glad to know that the Lord sees past all of my failures and that with his love and grace and mercy, I can march on and be that woman I so yearn to be.
So, here are my goals as I throw myself on the Throne of my Almighty God, like in Hebrews 4:16, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
I will be a better wife to my husband because…
…I will pray for him everyday, because I refuse to spend eternity without him.
…I will seek him out and show him that he still makes me tingle inside.
…I will be his help meet (or helper) without complaining.
…I will be more diligent in my house cleaning, because he deserves to have a homey home to come back to.
…I will be a better servant to him, because I love him, not because I think I am less of a person.
…I will speak highly of him, because he deserves my respect.
…I will shove some things off of my “plate” and make more time for things he needs or wants.
…I really do love his mother, really, really I do. I will speak better of her in front of him and in front of others.
…I will spend more time with the Lord and His joy will replenish my soul, therefore I will smile and laugh more.
These are only a few ways I will actively make an effort to be the wife that my husband deserves. I know that God gave me my man for a reason and I need to honor him because of it.
I know that there are many women that have husband’s that require more effort than most. But, prayer can and will conquer all. If your husband requires more, I too will add my prayers to yours. Each wife deserves a man that loves and protects her, as the Lord loves and protects her too. Be blessed today because I know many woman that have been diligent and God has blessed them.
Psalm 37:4, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
See? Yet another reward, delight (a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture) in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. He seriously loves us that much that even the little things mean a lot to Him. If only we will revel (to take great delight or pleasure; to make merry) in Him. What a true show of love…..the kind of love that a husband can also show his wife. Hmmmm, yeah, that is the kind of love I am looking to share with Hubby. Where the little things matter to the other person.
Many prayers to you on your journey to becoming a better wife. As you attain the goals that you wish to achieve in your relationship with your husband.
Remember that it is your right to go to the throne {Hebrews 4:16}, to seek His face {Psalm 104:5}, to delight in Him and that He wishes to give you the desires of your heart {Psalm 37:4}. The Lord loves you and wishes to help you reach your goals too.
In His Grace.
P.S. ~ Day 1 of the series can be found here, I Fail……{Part 1}
This post has been linked-up on Titus 2sday over at Time-Warp-Wife
This post is linked-up with Yes, They’re All Ours for Marriage Monday

Linked up with Jolene Engle @ The Albaster Jar for Martial Mondays
Linked up with Happy Wives Club for Marriage Mondays
Linked up with Women Living Well for WLWWednesday
Thank you Fawn for visiting! Lots of prayers indeed, it seems a constant thing, as it should be. Callie
Wow, Camille. Such a humbling post! Thank you for being so transparent so others can feel better about their own failings. And yes, prayer most certainly covers all.
Thank you Mai, I appreciate your kind words. Just telling it like it is, lol, at least for me. Many blessings to you and yours as well. 🙂
This is very encouraging Callie, you just shown what a real wife and mother is all about. Your story is a testimony to many. Sometimes, we fall short in our everyday duty but we never fail to do what’s best for our spouse and family! That’s a noble job. God bless you and your family! 🙂
Thank you. I pray that is the result as well. Also praying that someone else can use these encouraging words too.
You’re doing a wonderful job with this series. I have no doubt the fruit of your labors will be evident in your home and marriage. What a testimony that will be! To God be the Glory!
Love and Prayers,