Each year the Crew has a final tally to find out which products worked the best, the kids loved the best, and the one mama loved the best. Each year we are always surprised to see the a lot of the products that we loved were LOVED by most!
For this year there were some companies that were not a surprise to see on the Blue Ribbon Award list (again). Most of you know just how much we love Institute for Excellent in Writing (IEW) and Apologia. So seeing both of them on the favorites list is totally fun.
By far our favorite review here at Mama’s Coffee Shop was our IEW Phonetic Zoo (totally one of my ultimate favorites!) for Ana. She is doing so well with this product for her spelling and vocabulary work. I am so impressed with how well it works for her. I am blessed to say that we no longer struggle with her spelling class and she is rapidly improving!
Another of our favorites is the Audio Adventures from Heirloom Audio – both In Freedom’s Cause and With Lee in Virginia. With Lee in Virginia wins by a smidgen here at our house. Thrilling adventures!
Isaiah’s favorite was the online class he took with The Freedom Project Education. Part history, part current topic discussion. Nothing made his year like this course! Made my fourteen year old feel like an important college level kid, oh yeah, not to mention all of the cool facts he learned!
Joseph’s favorite was the same as Ana’s. Even though Ana was the sole review kid for Middlebury Interactive Languages, Joseph loved this review too. The amount of French that the two of those kids have learned is quite impressive. Not counting how much fun this course is to do. They simple love it!
Here are the Favorites for each category and I hope you will take some time to visit each company to find out more. Especially if it was one that the kids and I did not review this go round. Maybe next year!
Take a few minutes to see all of the companies that the Review Crew handed out Blue Ribbons to – Enjoy!
Favorite Reading Curriculum: Reading Kingdom
Favorite Writing Curriculum: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Favorite Vocabulary Program: Dynamic Literacy
Favorite Spelling Program: Institute for Excellence in Writing: Phonetic Zoo
Favorite Grammar Program: Institute for Excellence in Writing: Fix-It! Grammar
Favorite Penmanship Program: CursiveLogic
Favorite Literature Curriculum: Progeny Press
Favorite History Curriculum: Home School in the Woods
Favorite History Supplement: Heirloom Audio Productions: In Freedom’s Cause
Favorite Science Curriculum: Visual Learning Systems
Favorite Science Supplement: Ann McCallum Books: Eat Your Science Homework
Favorite Math Curriculum: CTC Math
Favorite Math Supplement: SimplyFun
Favorite Christian Education Curriculum: Grapevine Studies
Favorite Christian Education Supplement: Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Foreign Language Curriculum: Middlebury Interactive Language
Favorite Fine Arts Product: Maestro Classics
Favorite Elective Curriculum: Apologia Educational Ministries: Field Trip Journal
Favorite Audio Drama: Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Video: FishFlix.com
Favorite Preschool Product: La La Logic
Favorite Elementary Product: Star Toaster
Favorite Middle School Product: The Critical Thinking Co
Favorite High School Product: Writing with Sharon Watson
Favorite College or College-Prep Product: Freedom Project Education
Favorite Parent Product: Koru Naturals
Favorite Planning Product: Apologia Educational Ministries: The Ultimate Homeschool Planner
Best Resource I Didn’t Know I Needed: Homeschool Planet
Best Online Resource: Super Teacher Worksheets
Best e-Product: Home School in the Woods
Just for Fun: USAopoly
Kids’ Choice: La La Logic
Teens’ Choice: YWAM Publishing
All Around Crew Favorite: Institute for Excellence in Writing
I CANNOT wait to get started on the new 2016 Crew Year! Oh did I forget to mention that they actually invited me back to join them next year?! I am so stinking’ excited!
So stick around and visit often so you can see all of the goodies to come.
Until then, visit soon to see what other reviews I might have up my sleeve or on my book shelf!
In His Grace.
Heirloom Audio and Middlebury were two of our top faves too! It was hard to vote with so many amazing choices!