This is the time of the year that I get the most excited about. Yep, Back to Homeschooling time. Well, truthfully in our house we have school all year because education and learning never actually end. But, like getting excited for Christmas, this time of the year brings about the fun of all of the amazing things we can learn about in the upcoming fall season of our homeschool.
Since homeschooling unleashes the ability to teach our kids when and how you want, when fall hits, some homeschooling parents are at a loss for what topics they will cover. The best part is that in the fall the weather is cooler and the topics that can be learned about are limitless. Also, because of the weather, this is a great time to learn about specifics. Here are some of the best topics to cover in the fall.
#1. Season changes
Fall is one of the more exciting seasons, which makes it a great homeschooling topic to cover. The science behind why the leaves fall. Spending time studying leaves and identifying what kind of leaves are out there is always a good idea. Pinecones are also a really cool topic to cover in the fall. Here are some sub topics of studying leaves.
- Leaf rubbings– by placing the leaf under a piece of paper and using a crayon, your child can easily complete this activity.
- Leaf journal– writing down what is found on leaves.
- Tree identification – which can also lead into leaf identification.
#2. Plants that can be planted in the fall
Honestly, the best homeschool topics are the ones that can be done hands on. Plants are an awesome topic to study, especially ones that can be grown during the fall months. Look up a few fall plants that can be grown in your area and then get planting! Fall planting involves many practical skills as well as it is fun and something the kids will learn a lot from.
Till your garden and get to planning and planting! There are numerous plants that are best for fall growing and this not only provides life skills but it also installs diligence, hard work (those weeds are hard to maintain!), and ultimately the fruits of your labor pay off when harvest time comes!
#3. Fine tune those cooking and baking skills
Once it’s starts to become cooler outside, this is when you can introduce cooking and baking (bring on the cookies!) as a fun homeschool topic. Cooking is something that kids of all ages can do! Plus, cooking is one of the best things you can teach your kids, homeschooling or not. Cooking and baking can also teach . . .
- Measuring
- Reading
- Comprehension
- New vocabulary words
- Following directions
- Math skills
- Chemistry
Cooking and baking can be done inside, during the fall months, without the house getting too hot from the stove or oven. Cooking is also a great way to mix a variety of homeschool subjects into one.
These are only a few homeschooling topics to cover this fall, but they’re the best! Cooking, exploring, and hands on projects can always be considered for fall activities because there are so many ways that you can incorporate daily life skills into these learning moments.
As the cooler weather descends upon us, there are many ways to “teach” and lessons to cover. As this is just the tip of teh iceberg, so to speak, I’d love to hear what other fall topics you tend to cover in school.
In His Grace,
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