I am so happy you are here! Let’s cover an important issue you might run into as a new homeschool parent. The transitional phase. I also want to offer some helpful (and truthful) tips to provide some insight and encouragement as you move into your new homeschool parenting role.
Making the decision to homeschool may be overwhelming at first. Being a new homeschooling parent doesn’t always make the decision to homeschool any easier, if you feel that it is the right thing to do, but it is an important feeling to recognize just the same. Yes, friend, it very well may be overwhelming at first. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to continue to be overwhelming!
While homeschooling may be the best choice for you and your family, don’t overlook the need to make certain that everyone transitions together as a group. No matter the reason or the need for homeschooling, it’s important to remember that everyone in the family is a team and is behind the decision, 100%.
The truth of the matter is this: No matters WHAT your life looks like, You Can Make This Work.
Before you move onto the TIPS, I want to first encourage you to take time to de-school before you jump right into this new homeschool thing. This is a total game changer for so many families. It truly does work and allows you to begin fresh and without preconceived ideas. Promise.
Alright, if you are a new homeschooling parent, here are some suggestions to help you make this transition hopefully go a little bit smoother for you and your family.
5 Tips for the New Homeschool Parents
This is your FREEBIE TIP
The most important tip I can offer is this: PRAY.
- Pray about the hearts of your family.
- Pray about your patience, or lack thereof.
- Pray about discipling your children well.
- Pray about the classes you are considering.
- Pray about Co-Op.
- Pray about new friends.
- Pray about curriculum you are considering.
- Pray about Everything.
Now here are the rest of my tips, suggestions, and encouragement.
- Understand that there will be bumps in the road. While you may think and want everything to go perfectly when you decide to homeschool, you still may face a few bumps in the road. And that’s okay! It’s a totally new area for you, so it just makes sense that you might have a bit of a learning curve. Embrace those bumps and refer to them as speed bumps instead! While they may be there to cause you to “slow” down and enjoy the ride, they aren’t there to actually derail your whole trip!
- Structure your homeschool for you and your child and no one else. (Go read that again) While it may be tempting to have your homeschool replicate that of a typical classroom, don’t! Make it be a space that your child feels relaxed and can create and be creative. The beauty and simplicity of homeschooling is that you have the ability to teach your child in a way that works best for them, so shouldn’t their learning environment reflect that as well?
- Know that you are NOT alone. Once you decide to homeschool, you will be amazed at the vast amount of resources that are available to you in your community . . . not too mention the options to network and meet with other homeschooling families!
- Understand that homeschooling gives you flexibility in your schedule. While staying on schedule is important, it is also just as important to understand that somedays, life happens. If you and your child’s school day doesn’t start until 10 AM, then so be it. As long as you try your best, and do everything that you can within your control each and every day, you are being an excellent role model for your child to see and mimic. What a great life lesson to teach your child to understand that as long as you are trying your best and putting your best foot forward, that’s all that can be asked. — Understand that YOU have complete control over everything in your homeschool. Need a day off? Take one. Need to run errands? Do it! Sick children or parent? Take time to heal. New baby? Take time off and welcome the baby into the family – I promise, you will catch back up!
- Research the free learning options that are available to you. It can be so simple to spend a ton of money on homeschooling materials, but it truly isn’t necessary. There are a ton of great online learning resources as well as free resources at your local library. While your entire curriculum may not be able to be free, they are great resources to be able to supplement in as needed.
Being a first time homeschooling parent doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Take a deep breath, and just know that there have been a ton of parents before you to have felt the exact same feelings that you are. (Including a veteran homeschool mama like me!) And guess what? They found their footing, and they found success while educating their child.
The beautiful part about deciding to homeschool? You get to be an active part of your child’s education and be there, learning with them every single step of the way. Talk about a great way to bond and create memories that last forever!
If you are new and would like some encouragement, you can find me on social media on Facebook.
And last but not least, enjoy this new homeschool journey. Make it an adventure and it will be remembered as such for every one of you!
Many blessings,
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