Within the next couple of days my wonderful husband is moving into a new position at work, a nice change, so don’t get me wrong but a change nonetheless.
The kicker about this whole change is that there will a ton of traveling and missing each other for an extended amount of time (note than normal). Quick trips home to refuel and then off again…
Needless to say, the kids and I are not looking too forward to this upset in our lives.
I know that God sees us and that everything I feel slipping through my fingers is being captured and helped by His great hands….but yea know….
And, I wanted to share a tidbit of details that involve little ole me.
Since hubby is moving positions in his company, there is a major insurance change for us here. We are completely moving to a different insurance company, from great coverage, to okay coverage.
Sooooooo, hubby asked me to make sure I got as much under our current insurance before the new insurance kicks in.
Completely understandable since the newest insurance isn’t quite as good as the current one we have now.
Well, that means that some horribly nasty business was completed today on this here mama….yep.
I have a slight terror issue about the Big D, the Dentist, from past experiences in my life. Well, I also had some really bad teeth that needed to be removed.
So, you guessed it!
I had to have these 3 teeth extracted (pulled out of my ever loving head!!!) so that this current insurance would cover most of the cost.
I had to have all three of my 12 year molars removed…
And chicken that I am….I asked to be put under for the procedure instead of just the local.
I am now in a better shape, my head is a bit fuzzy but all is well and I expect that God will forgive me for having to remove those offending teeth.
Just a peek into my life…
Also, could you keep me in your prayers for a very quick and complete recovery.
I should would appreciate any you are willing to offer up. As well as the time will fly by for this new position change that hubby must make.
I love y’all and I thank you in advance.
In His Grace.
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