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Did you know that homeschooling gets to look how YOU want it to look? That my sweet friend is the beauty of home education. No matter if you are “required” to share your plan with the government, no matter if you have to provide “proof”, you STILL have the right to educate your children the way you see fit. So, keep the copies, take the tests, share the plan, but know, that you are still in charge of your children’s education.
That being said, there are so many options for you as a homeschooler. If this is your first week, month, year or you are a veteran homeschooler, these options are available to everyone that home educates.
With these options right at your fingertips you can collect what you want to teach, what works well for your child(ren), and even how much you pay for things. Because believe it not, you can even home school for free in many cases.
This opens up so many doors and avenues for you to travel on with your child(ren). Let’s take a peek at one of my favorite online homeschool options. is by far one of the most amazing places for educating my own children. I have been a member for well over 10 years and still and constantly impressed by the volume of resources and classes that they offer.
My kids are encouraged to be self starters and they are provided the means to learn what interests them. My oldest son Isaiah (now graduated) took classes like American Folklore, Classical Archaeology, Filmmaking, and Introduction to Graphic Design when he needed to do some work a few years ago. The beauty of (in my opinion) is that the student can work through the class at their own pace. For instance, I remember Isaiah (he was 14 at the time) loving the Filmmaking class so much that he sat for about 4 days straight and blew through the class. And yes, he still remembers it because it was one of his interests at the time.

When Drive Thru History came to I knew that Ana and Joseph would be thrilled to tag along with Dave Stotts as he shared about American History and Ancient History. These are video based classes and both Ana and Joseph are more auditory learners so this was a perfect fit for them. They blew through these classes and not only enjoyed Dave but still share information they remember because this was history made interesting for them.
The other day Ana (she is 16) came to me and told me about a new class she had found. She absolutely did not care that the recommended age was for grades 1-6, she found it interesting and dove right in. The Dinosaurs and the Bible class was totally fascinating (she shared EVERY interesting new fact she learned, LOL) and took a slew of notes. I learned new things, she learned new things, and it was an amazing 3 days worth of learning that Ana will remember for a lifetime. Do I really care that it is designed to be worked through over 16 weeks? NOPE. Why? Because she thought is was so interesting she didn’t want to wait to learn it all. And THAT is why I lean toward educating to my children’s interests. She couldn’t wait to learn more. Perfect! And check box that class off as a win why don’t we?
I have a young man from church that has recently started homeschooling and I knew that I would be using for him as well. So far he is in the middle of taking Ancient History: Babylonian Life and Mythology as well as I have him starting Dinosaurs and the Bible too. He is a high schooler as well but he too can benefit from all of the awesomeness that is on this site. (Update: Alec absolutely LOVED this course and specifically asked me if there were other ones like it he could take. He blew through this 16 week class in a whopping 7 weeks and aced the final. Total Win!!)
With the convenience of math, spelling, grammar, hand writing, art, and a huge variety of electives on there as well, you should totally check out the site. Classes ranging from PreK all the way through 12th grade. I often wonder how I would have managed to be an electric homeschooler if I didn’t have this site to help me along.
Overall is my go to online education site because it offers so many classes that appeal to so many types of learners. And now you know why I’ve been a member for so many years!
And to calm those nerves that you won’t be able to track anything on there, you can relax because offers lessons plans for the classes, record keeping, scope and sequences, printable calendars, huge printable Schoolhouse planner, custom schedule builder, a literacy center, a special needs center, and a section called Just for Parents.
This isn’t your average online education website, this is a wholly Christian based education website that offers something for every person in the family. Totally fabulous indeed!
If you are curious to learn more, I am happy to answer questions. You can email me anytime at or feel free to use the form below.
I hope that this offers you some insight into online home education and that you too will see the benefit of using in your homeschool too.
In His Grace,
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