I am the most unorganized/organized homeschool mama in the world, I believe. So when I was blessed to review The Annual Membership Plan from My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping I thought, maybe this is the thing for me! And I’m pretty sure that this program will officially change my life due to all of the incredible features that it has to offer!
My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping
I have never used anything other than paper planners for school. So this is a brand new experience for me. I am tech savvy, so that part didn’t really bother me and this program is rather easy to understand and use.
Here are some of the cool features the main menu offers:
- homeroom – shows you the break down for each student, such as:
- classes student is taking
- attendance
- events student is involved in
- awards student has recieved
- reading that the student is currently doing
- extra curricular activities the student is currently doing
- tests
- calendar – shows you each individual student as well as all students (color coded for each student) at the same time
- planbook – shows you for each student or all students (color coded for each student) these options:
- agenda
- day view
- week view
- month view
- reports – all customizable for each student and will download into a PDF for you to be able to print.
- attendance
- awards
- course descriptions
- events
- extra curricular
- instructional hours
- lesson plan
- materials – lessons plans
- materials – reading log/list
- reading log/list
- report card
- standardized test
- transcript
Each one of these sections has so much to offer that it is incredible.
For instance, in the homeroom section I mentioned all of the breakdowns you can see. It is an overview of your entire year all in one place. Totally convenient and a very nice and clean way to evaluate your time, the classes being taken and the work that is actually being completed.
This is one section that allows you to keep track of the hours being put in for each student. This is a part that I actually use to make sure that my kids are checking all the boxes and truly putting in the work.
Once they are done with an assignment, we hop on here and check “done” for that assignment and the program drops in the time spent and marks the lesson complete. Easy!
This is an example of how much work Ana has already put in for this current school year. And of course, how much more work is to be done before year end.

This is one of my favorite sections of the program. Why? Becuase it allows me to see EXACTLY what each kid is supposed to be working on at what time. (We don’t always get our work competed in the allotted time slots, but it still help skeep me on track for the day!)
Not only can I see each subject/course that Joseph is supposed to be wokting on, I can also see Ana’s. There is some overlap of time, so it is best to look at each child’s weekly work one at a time.
The calendar has various views but the weekly one is the one I prefer. Maybe becuase it shows me the week at a glance so I know what to expect by week end. On occasion I’m a “big picture gal” so this helps me compartmentalize the kids and my work.

Student Menu
In the student menu you are able to add in all of the individual awards, attendance, events, extra curricular, reading lists, and standardized tests. This is also the pace where you will find the class (or classes) that you have set for each child.
I set each class as the WHOLE class for each student (honestly, becuase I didnt think to break it down until much later in my review period) but you can absolutely have each class as a separate class.
Then each class that shows on the calendar (above screen shots) would be multi-colore for each student. So if that would be easier for you, it is possible to set up your student this way!
When you click on the classes at the bottom of the student menu, you will get a breakdown of the classes, time spent doing each class assignement, progress, and how much is left to complete.
You can also edit each class in this section. So if your student is moving more qucikly through the clas, you can make adjustments here. Very nice feature that applies well to the homeschool world, in my opinion.

So, this is my all time favorite feature in this program. I am a paper packrat so this part of My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping makes my paper loving self very pleased. This section of the program allows you to download a PDF and save or print it to your heart’s content.
For all of the homeschool families that are required to send in attendance, this is perfect. For all of the families that are required to keep records on hand, this is perfect. For all of the families that want to keep report cards, this is perfect.
And I so wish I had this available a few months back when my now graduated senior needed car insurance. I could have printed his report card through here and not had to peck around the internet to find something that would “work”.

How This Worked for Me
I covered but a small portion of this program in this review but I do want to encourage your to check it out for yourself.
Here’s why:
- this is totally customizable to you and to each student you are homeschooling
- there are many more features available to you, such as:
- reading log/list – you can add in books TO read as well as books READ. Time limits for each book OR how long it took to read each book. What level the book falls under as well as readig time you will require for each student.
- materials – lesson plan is a featuer that allows you to inout whatever the student will need for that days lesson. Perfect for Unit Studies or lapbooking because the student (or you) can be more prepared for each lesson.
- extra curricular – inout every single thing you do outside of regualr school lessons. This is great for sports, work, church funtions, 4-H, babysitting, etc
- the Teacher’s Aide – reminders of things that need updated or fixed in your students accounts, check off work completed, report reminders, and more. This is seriouly like having an assistant on hand. Cool feature!
With this record keeping program, you just aren’t actually record keeping, you are organizing, something I seriously need in my life. So here’s a cool bit of info you ight not have thought of even after reading this review. I NEED ORGANZATION in my life too, right? Exactly. I am totally going back into this program and adding in MY infomation so that I can create a calendar for myself. For things that include bill paying, doctor and dentist appointments, date nights, and well, anythng else that I need to keep track of, like my crazy work schedule.
This is a win-win program for me. I was able to get right in the program and figure out how to get everythign I wanted done. But, there ARE help buttons located throughout the entire program in case you run into a snag somewhere. And you can always email them or call them if you have any issues.
Read My Fellow Crew Members Reviews
My Final Thoughts
This is was very detailed program to review and I am sure that there is something I missed that you need to know. Again, I highly encourage you to visit the website so that you can check out all of the featues that I may have not covered fully. Get your kids involved in their courses by allowing them to help you in this program, maybe even turn over the reins with the older ones so that they learn to organize their studies.
I hope this review was helpful and that you will visit the company to learn more.
In His Grace,

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